The Truck Factor designates the minimal number of developers that have to be hit by a truck (or quit) before a project is incapacitated. The Wikipedia defines that it is a "measurement of the concentration of information in individual team members. A high truck factor means that many individuals know enough to carry on and the project could still succeed even in very adverse events." The term is also known by bus factor/number.

We calculate the Truck Factor for 133 popular GitHub applications, in six languages: JavaScript (22 systems), Python (22 systems), Ruby (33 systems) , C/C++ (18 systems), Java (21 systems), and PHP (17 systems).

We define an author as a developer able to command the implementation of a file. To infer the authors of a file we used the Degree-of-Authorship (DOA) metric, proposed by Thomas Fritz et al. in this paper.

To calculate the truck factor, we use a greedy heuristic: we consecutively remove the author with more authored files in a system, until more than 50% of the system's files are orphans (i.e., without author).

This list presents the Truck Factors (TF) we calculated:

Our results are summarized as follows:

More Info

Avelino G, Valente MT, Hora A. What is the Truck Factor of popular GitHub applications? A first assessment. PeerJ PrePrints, 2015.